Mazars中审众环亮相首届中国国际消费品博览会 并举办多场主题讲座及论坛 Facilitating digitalisation and new retailing for a win-win future in the consumer goods industry Mazars makes its debut at the first China International Consumer Products Expo and holds a series of theme lectures and forums (中国海南海口,2021年5月7日)近日,国际审计、税务和咨询公司Mazars中审众环以参展商身份,亮相首届中国国际消费品博览会(以下简称“消博会”)。Mazars中审众环展区位于时尚生活展区法国馆(5T009),展览期间以“助力数字新零售,共赢消费业未来”为主题,围绕高端消费品、跨境电商、新零售、数字化等热门话题展开一系列专题讲座及论坛,为全球观众全方位展示Mazars中审众环在消费品行业的专业洞察及服务。 (Haikou city, Hainan province, China, May 7, 2021) Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, makes its debut as an exhibitor at the first China International Consumer Products Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "CICPE"). The booth is located in the French pavilion (5T009) of the Fashion Life exhibition area. During the exhibition, on the theme of "Facilitating digitalisation and new retailing for a win-win future of the consumer goods industry", Mazars in China holds a series of theme lectures and forums covering hot topics such as high-end consumer goods, cross-border e-commerce, new retailing, and digitalisation to share its professional insights and services in the consumer goods industry for the global audience. Mazars集团首席执行官兼董事会主席Hervé Hélias表示:“消费品行业一直以来都是Mazars重点关注并且实战经验丰富的领域。中国消费品行业充满活力,疫情后的迅速复苏更引起了全球关注。我们希望通过消博会这个国际化的平台分享我们的专业观点,并与众多观众、政府部门和行业领袖共同探讨行业的未来和机遇,以期更好的结合当地趋势,为中国市场带来更高效的专业服务、成为客户的不二之选并共同塑造行业的未来。” Hervé Hélias, CEO and Chairman of Mazars Group, says,“The consumer goods industry is a sector which Mazars has focused on and has rich practical experience in. The Chinese consumer goods industry is full of vitality and its rapid recovery after the epidemic has attracted global attention. This Expo is an international platform to share our professional insights and explore future opportunities of the industry with visitors, government departments and industry leaders. Combining our local knowledge and global perspective, we can bring efficient professional services to the Chinese market, be the right fit for potential clients and shape the future of the industry together." Mazars集团营收持续增长,中国业绩表现卓越 Mazars Group's revenue continues to grow with outstanding performance in China 全球疫情大流行的情况下,Mazars表现出了非凡的适应力,2019/2020财年(2019年9月1日至2020年8月31日)营业收入为19亿欧元,较上一财年增长7.8%(不包括-0.3%的外汇影响),其中包括强劲的自然增长(5.9%),以及外部正增长(1.8%)。在中国,Mazars中审众环拥有40多个分所和5,000多名专业人员,2019/2020财年实现收入14.17亿元人民币,较去年增长17%。 In the context of the global pandemic, Mazars has shown extraordinary resilience. In the FY2019/2020 (September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020), the operating income reached 1.9 billion euros, representing a 7.8% increase (excluding forex impact of -0.3%) compared to the previous financial year. The increase in fee income comprises strong organic growth (5.9%), complemented by positive external growth (1.8%). In China, Mazars has 40+ branches and 5,000+ professionals, and achieved revenue of RMB 1.417 billion in the FY2019/2020, an increase of 17% over the previous year. 面临危机,Mazars仍在扩大投资,规划未来。最近,1,100多位合伙人投票通过了名为One24的新计划,该计划旨在通过不断改善人才和客户体验,创新服务和工作方式,继续推动集团转型,确保Mazars成为国际审计、税务和咨询业的领导者。未来四年,公司将继续专注于客户、质量和风险管理、国际增长、运营整合、人才培养,以及为建设一个公平繁荣的世界作出贡献。 Despite the crisis, Mazars continued to invest and plan for its future. Over 1,100 partners voted to approve the firm’s new strategic plan, ‘One24’,which seeks to continue the group’s transformation and to secure Mazars’ position as an international audit, tax and advisory leader, by continuously improving talent and client experience and innovating services and ways to work. Over the coming four-year period the firm will continue to focus on its priorities: client-centricity, quality and risk management, international growth, operational integration, talent development, and contributing to building a fair and prosperous world. 专业视角解读新零售 助力中国消费企业发展 Interpretation of new retailing from a professional perspective to help the development of Chinese consumer enterprises 本届消博会上,Mazars中审众环展台将带来6场主题论坛与演讲。采用远程连线和现场直播形式灵活展开,话题涉及高端消费品、跨境电商、新零售、数字化等热点话题,为线上线下的观众一一解读零售行业的机遇与挑战。 At this CICPE, Mazars will bring six theme forums and speeches to be organised flexibly via remote connection and live broadcast. Hot topics cover high-end consumer products, cross-border e-commerce, new retailing, digitalisation, etc., to interpret the opportunities and challenges of the retail industry for online and offline audiences. 在《高端消费品牌如何拥抱新零售和数字化》和《自然之道——对话“之禾”品牌创始人》的论坛和对话中, Mazars集团董事会成员,Mazars中审众环执行合伙人刘钰涓博士特邀高端消费品牌高管——老佛爷百货董事会成员、国际发展部副总裁Philippe Pedone,人头马君度集团大中华区首席执行官尼古拉斯•贝克尼(Nicolas BECKERS)以及之禾品牌创始人兼董事长叶寿增,协同媒体合作伙伴Noblesse望董事总经理俞雷,共同分享高端消费品牌在中国新零售环境下的实践与经验,探讨行业如何在中国抓住新机遇,实现更大的发展愿景。 In the forums and dialogues "How can high-end consumer brands embrace new retailing and digitalization" and "Natural way - dialogue with the founder of ICICLE”, Dr. Julie Laulusa, Mazars Group Executive Board Member and Manging Partner of Mazars in China invites the executives of luxury brands - Philippe Pedone, Vice President of International Development and Executive Board Member of Galeries Lafayette, Nicolas Beckers, CEO of Remy Cointreau Greater China and Ye Shouzeng, Founder and Chairman of ICICLE, together with Yu Lei, Managing Director of Noblesse, our media partner to share the practice and experience of luxury brands in China's new retailing market, and discuss how the industry can seize new opportunities in China to achieve a greater development vision. 从左至右:Mazars中审众环执行合伙人刘钰涓博士、人头马君度集团大中华区首席执行官尼古拉斯•贝克尼(Nicolas BECKERS)、Noblesse望董事总经理俞雷 From left to right: Dr. Julie Laulusa, Mazars Group Executive Board Member and Manging Partner of Mazars in China; Nicolas Beckers, CEO of Remy Cointreau Greater China and Yu Lei, Managing Director of Noblesse 刘钰涓博士表示:“作为一家植根欧洲、放眼全球的国际一体化企业,Mazars多年来服务于众多高端消费品集团,我们期待通过这一系列与消费品行业的运营和发展息息相关的话题,与中国的专业人士分享,并引发具有前瞻性的专业思考。在数字化和新零售的大环境下,中国的消费品市场竞争异常激烈,我们也希望通过消博会发挥我们的专业价值,帮助企业解决实际痛点,提供优质的解决方案和增值服务,与企业共谋发展。” Dr. Julie Laulusa says, “As an internationally integrated company rooted in Europe and looking globally, Mazars has served many high-end consumer goods groups for many years. We look forward to sharing insights with industry experts in China via a series of topics closely related to the operation and development of the consumer goods industry and triggering forward-looking professional thinking. In the context of digitalisation and new retailing, China’s consumer goods market is extremely competitive. We also hope to display our professional value through the CICPE to help companies find solutions to their practical pain points, provide high-quality solutions and value-added services, and seek common development with them." 关于Mazars中审众环 About Mazars Mazars是一个国际性、一体化的合伙企业,专注于提供审计、会计、咨询、税务和法律服务*。我们在全球逾90个国家和地区开展业务,拥有42,000名专业人士 ,其中包括Mazars一体化合伙制的26,000名专业人员以及 Mazars北美联盟的16,000名专业人员 ,可为所有类型客户的各个发展阶段提供全方位的协助。 *在适用国家法律允许的情况下 Mazars is an internationally integrated partnership, specialising in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal services*. Operating in 90+ countries and territories around the world, we draw on the expertise of 42,000 professionals – 26,000 in the Mazars integrated partnership and 16,000 via the Mazars North America Alliance - to assist clients of all sizes at every stage in their development. *Where permitted under applicable country laws.
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